
What to Do if There’s a Warrant for Your Arrest in NJ

One of the scariest things a person might go through is finding out that there is a warrant for their arrest. If you are fortunate enough to learn about the warrant before you are arrested, you should immediately call a criminal defense lawyer for help.

The fact that an arrest warrant has been issued should be concerning, but a lawyer can help you figure out why the warrant was issued, what needs to be done about it, and the severity of your overall situation. Different warrants may be issued for a person’s arrest, and they carry different consequences. A bench warrant may be for something relatively minor, like missing a court date. An arrest warrant may be more severe and relates to a new criminal offense that authorities believe you have committed. Talk to your lawyer about the possibility of turning yourself in. While this might sound intimidating, it can play well into certain defense strategies. If you believe a warrant is out for your arrest, but you are unsure, ask a lawyer to help you.

Speak with our NJ criminal defense lawyers at the Law Offices of John J. Zarych by calling us today at (609) 616-4956.

Contacting an Attorney About a Warrant for Your Arrest in NJ

If you have been informed of an arrest warrant with your name on it, the first thing you should do is contact a criminal defense lawyer for help. The sooner you speak to a lawyer, the better. There is no telling when the police might swoop in, execute the warrant, and arrest you. It is much easier to prepare a defense when you are not in jail.

If you cannot contact an attorney before you are arrested, you should do so shortly after. This is not unusual, as many people only find out about an arrest warrant when they are arrested. While being arrested can be frightening, just remain calm and know your rights. When the police take you into custody, ask when you can contact a lawyer.

Ideally, it would be best if you spoke to a lawyer before answering questions from the police about the alleged offense. The authorities are required by law to inform you of your Miranda rights before they initiate custodial interrogation. These rights include your right to refuse to answer questions and your right to have a lawyer present during questioning. Avoid answering questions until your lawyer arrives, even if you have to wait in a holding cell.

If you are fortunate enough to contact an attorney before arrest, your lawyer can help you handle the warrant. If you know why the police want to arrest you, talk about it with your lawyer. They can begin building your defense right away. If the police execute the warrant, your attorney can help you make the process as smooth and painless as possible.

Different Warrants That Might Lead to an Arrest in NJ

While warrants are often issued for someone’s arrest, there is more than one type of warrant. While typical arrest warrants are issued for new crimes, bench warrants are often issued because someone violated a court order. Either way, the warrant needs your attention, and you should talk to a lawyer for help.

Bench Warrants

Bench warrants are called such because they are issued by judges directly from the bench. These warrants are not issued because the authorities believe someone has committed a new crime. Instead, they are issued when someone violates a court order or fails to show up for a hearing. The purpose of a bench warrant is to get the person in front of a judge to address the underlying problem.

Many people arrested on bench warrants spend very little time in jail and are not charged with new crimes. However, there might be other legal penalties depending on why the bench warrant was issued.

Talk to your attorney if a bench warrant is issued for your arrest. In many cases, defendants can avoid being arrested entirely by contacting a lawyer who then contacts the court and sorts out the issue of the bench warrant. The judge might drop the warrant if we simply schedule a new hearing.

Arrest Warrants

A formal arrest warrant may be issued when the police believe someone has committed a crime. The arrest warrant must be supported by sufficient probable cause and issued by an impartial judge. These are more serious, as arrest warrants may lead to time in jail and criminal charges.

Call a lawyer as soon as possible if there is a warrant for your arrest. If you know why the warrant is issued, explain the situation to your lawyer so they can begin working on your defense. Your attorney can even be by your side after you are taken into custody and questioned about the alleged crime. Having a lawyer in this scenario is crucial, as anything you say after arrest can and will be used against you. Your attorney can help you avoid unnecessary self-incrimination.

Should I Turn Myself In for an Arrest Warrant in NJ?

While facing an arrest warrant can be very intimidating, one of the worst things you can do is try to outrun the warrant. Eventually, you will have to confront the authorities and possibly be arrested. Your attorney can help prepare you for what is to come.

Talk to your attorney about how to handle the warrant. In some cases, it is best to wait and see what happens. This might give your attorney more time to prepare your defense while waiting for the police to execute the warrant.

Another strategy is to go to the police station with your attorney and turn yourself in. This can be a part of an effective legal strategy. Turning yourself in shows a willingness to cooperate, which might make you look good to a judge or jury. On top of that, by turning yourself in, we might force the authorities into action before they are ready. Sometimes, the police want to wait until just the right moment to arrest someone at a time and place that makes them look bad. By turning yourself in, we might upend law enforcement’s strategy.

In addition, the sooner we get you inside the police station, the sooner we can get a glimpse of the case being built against you. Any information we can gather might help us mount an effective defense.

Contact Our NJ Criminal Defense Lawyers for Assistance

Speak with our NJ criminal defense lawyers at the Law Offices of John J. Zarych by calling us today at (609) 616-4956.

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